martes, 7 de agosto de 2007


Daliana: Hi Andreina!

Andreina: Hi Daliana. How are you?

Daliana: Fine thank you, and you?

Andreina: Fine!

Andreina: Do you know the name of that girl overthere?

Daliana: Of course. She is Andrea Francheschi

Andreina: How is the spelling? F-R-A-N-C-H-E-S-C-H-I

Daliana: Why you ask?

Andreina: Just to know

Daliana: Ok. Oh! I almost forgot! We are going to the movies , do you like to come with us?

Andreina: Yes, I'd love to! What time?

Daliana: This afternoon, 6:00 pm. It's that ok with you?

Andreina: Yes, of course! See you there!

Daliana: Great! See you!

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